• Kubernetes官网


    kubernetes,简称K8s,是用8代替名字中间的8个字符“ubernete”而成的缩写。是一个开源的,用于管理云平台中多个主机上的容器化的应用,Kubernetes的目标是让部署容器化的应用简单并且高效(powerful),Kubernetes提供了应用部署,规划,更新,维护的一种机制。Kubernetes, also known as K8s, is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It groups containers tha...

    点击进入 - 2023-02-08 - 收藏
  • Bernhardt


    Welcome to Bernhardt | Bernhardt www.bernhardt.com

    点击进入 - 2017-05-19 - 收藏
  • 灵雀云 容器服务 - CaaS

    灵雀云 容器服务 - CaaS

    灵雀云提供基于容器,服务于完整开发周期的新一代云平台。灵雀云以容器应用交付件为中心,支持云端应用创建、编译、集成、部署、和运行。我们提供持续集成服务用于构建容器镜像。通过高性能Docker Hub服务用于创建私有、公有镜像仓库,实现镜像管理。同时,我们提供的容器托管服务,全面服务于容器化应用的整个生命周期。www.alauda.cn

    点击进入 - 2016-03-25 - 收藏
  • OpenShift官网


    OpenShift是红帽的云开发平台即服务(PaaS)。自由和开放源码的云计算平台使开发人员能够创建、测试和运行他们的应用程序,并且可以把它们部署到云中。Openshift广泛支持多种编程语言和框架,如Ja,Ruby和PHP等。OpenShift is an open source PaaS by Red Hat based on top of Docker containers and the Kubernetes container cluster manager for enterprise app development and deployment.www.openshift.com

    点击进入 - 2016-03-25 - 收藏
  • 比利时伯尔尼旅游官方网站


    The official website of Berne tourism, with practical information about journey, accommodations, objects of interest, means of transport, meetings, restaurant, buying and much more.www.bern.com

    点击进入 - 2015-10-25 - 收藏
  • Hyde Park Entertainment

    Hyde Park Entertainment

    Inspired by L. Frank Baum’s Wonderful Wizard of Oz and based on a series of books by his great-grandson Roger Stanton Baum, LEGENDS OF OZ: DOROTHY’S RETURN is the latest chapter in the Oz legacy. Dorothy returns to Kansas to find it devastated by the tornado that had whisked her away to Oz. But shortly after arriving in Kansas, Dorothy is magically transported back to Oz. Oz is in trouble, and the Scarecrow, Tin Man and the formerly Cowardly Lion he disappeared. On her way to the Emerald City,

    点击进入 - 2014-05-22 - 收藏