法国Festival des Architectures Vives 建筑节是法国知名的建筑节之一,旨在提高公众对涉猎广泛的建筑领域的更多关注,不仅展示出年轻一代的建筑师、景观建筑师和城市规划师的作品,而且对意想不到的城市领域进行探索。festivaldesarchitecturesvives.com
点击进入 - 2016-08-06 - 收藏Vietnam National Administration of Tourism
Official Website of Vietnam National Administration of Tourism, includes information about Vietnam people and country and tourism
点击进入 - 2015-10-31 - 收藏Festival de Cannesposter
All the news of the Festival de Cannes, the live events, in articles, photos, audio and videos. Nigate through the archives since 1946.www.festival-cannes.com
点击进入 - 2015-10-18 - 收藏