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点击进入 - 2024-05-14 - 收藏Jinan Baekeland Plastic Products Co.,Ltd
BAEKELAND, one of the leading manufacturer and supplier of various biodegradable tableware, compostable garbage and shopping bags, corn-starch cutlery and other Eco-friendly Items.Devoted ourselves to protecting the earth environment, we have been engaging in producing and supplying all kinds of the eco-friendly products to the customers all over the world. By developing from the common PE bags to the 100% biodegradable & compostable PLA bags , from the plastic tableware to the substitutes made of sugarcane and wheat-straw pulp, from the polythene cutlery to the corn-starch ones and plastic straws to paper straws, Baekeland have grown up with our respectful clients together to do our most efforts for the same goal of “From the nature and back to nature”.
点击进入 - 2024-05-09 - 收藏Clay Music
Clay Music - Chinese Christian Singer Amy Sand. Music ministry and Testmony
点击进入 - 2021-12-25 - 收藏Monica Vinader官网
Monica Vinader是一个起源于英国的珠宝品牌,以其独到的品位在时尚和高端珠宝两大领域之间打开了一扇大门,其独具一格的品牌基因为其赢得了广泛的青睐。 作为一个土生土长的英国品牌,Monica Vinader的初次亮相便大获成功,荣膺2009年全英珠宝设计大奖,初战告捷为MV赢得了相当可观的曝光度,包括哈罗德百货、颇特莱斯在内的奢侈品零售的巨头的商场内也开始出现了Monica Vinader的身影。Monica Vinader专注于打造高品位珠宝适合于所有时尚人士的日常生活和特殊场合的佩戴,在彰显品位的同时,也宣扬个性化的身份。其标志性的友谊手链、高品位的宝石、精湛的切割工艺使Monica Vinader的设计理念深深融入每一颗钻石,释放出最耀眼的光芒。Buy award winning contemporary jewellery direct from celebrity fourite Monica Vinader. Free global delivery and engring.www.monicinader.com
点击进入 - 2016-10-24 - 收藏Superdrug官网
Shop the biggest brands in everyday Health & Beauty and exclusive products all at great prices. Free standard delivery for Health and Beautycard members.www.superdrug.com
点击进入 - 2016-07-21 - 收藏Dorothy Perkins官网
Dorothy Perkins成立于1909年,起初品牌命名为H. P. Newman,后在1919年改名为Dorothy Perkins,现在是英国国内最大的女性服装零售商,在英国有超过600家店。主要针对25-35岁的女性。拥有近600家英国专卖店和超过50家国际卖场。商店每周上新,也支持网上销售。Dorothy Perkins品牌拥有尺寸6到22的各种商品,包括针对高的,身材娇小的,妈妈类的女士提供内衣、鞋子、配件等物品。Dorothy Perkins主要提供价格适中的女性时尚购物体验,品牌在国内十分受欢迎。www.dorothyperkins.com
点击进入 - 2016-06-08 - 收藏Bharatstudent官网
Bharatstudent是印度著名的校友录网站,创建于2007年,该网站印度用户占91%。提供交友、学习圈、互助(Bharat)、影评、电影剪辑和名人新闻等服务,网站语言为英语。India\'s Largest Free Social Community Networking Site for Indian friends & Indian student.Friends,Gangs,Film News,Gossips,Photo Galleries,Wallpapers of Actor&Actress,Information On Study Abroad,free admissions,Upload Videos @Campus TV,Girls Only,Blogs,Events,Games,Greetings,E-cards,Boy Zone,Live Radio,Star Player,Astrology,Cricket
点击进入 - 2015-10-31 - 收藏ChessFriends免费在线国际象棋对战平台
点击进入 - 2015-10-25 - 收藏PolyglotClub在线多语言社交俱乐部
PolyglotClub:在线多语言社交俱乐部是一个致力于国际多语种语言学习的位置,在这不光可以交到法国朋友还能交到各种母语国家的朋友,比如西班牙人,丹麦人,中国,俄罗斯,意大利人,德国人,美国人,墨西哥人,葡萄牙人等,几乎涵盖了全世界大部分的语言。Learn a foreign language: online and offline language exchange, educational resources. Community of teachers and students from all around the world. Register for free and find a native speaker.
点击进入 - 2015-10-24 - 收藏WAYN旅游社交网
英国社交化旅游主题分享平台Wayn是一个社交化的旅游网站,成立于2005年,是目前世界上最大的旅游和生活社区,拥有2000多万用户,像Facebook一样,这是一个真实的旅游社交网站,用户必须注册和建立个人档案才可以使用。它的目标是帮助人们发现去哪里,做什么,满足志同道合的人分享的愿望。WAYN根据用户曾经或者计划做的事情,把趣味相投的人们连接起来,让他们能够通过即时聊天、电子邮件和手机短信进行互动。“谁在附近”(Who’s Around)功能告诉用户有哪些好友在线,而“见面”(Meet People)功能会根据用户各自兴趣进行配对。用户还可以分享到来自曾经到访过你的目的地的人们提供的实用信息。Discover where to go, what to do and who to meet WAYN.COM (Where Are You Now?): The world\'s largest trel and lifestyle social network - WAYN.COM
点击进入 - 2014-06-11 - 收藏Happy Tree Friends 中文网
happy tree friends,happytreefriends,观看,游戏,下载,中文网www.happytreefriendscn.com
点击进入 - 2014-05-22 - 收藏San Francisco Restaurants
San Francisco User Reviews and Recommendations of Top Restaurants, Shopping, Nightlife, Entertainment, Services and More at Yelp
点击进入 - 2014-02-09 - 收藏Secret Search Engine Labs
Secret Search Engine Labs - The Alternative Search Engine Find what you\'re searching for. Relevant, family safe search results at your fingertips.
点击进入 - 2014-01-11 - 收藏