中国物品编码中心官网 统一组织、协调、管理我国商品条码、物品编码与自动识别技术的专门机构,1988年成立,1991年4月代表我国加入国际物品编码组织(GS1),负责推广国际通用的、开放的、跨行业的全球统一标识系统和标准,向社会提供公共服务平台和标准化解决方案。在全国设有47个分支机构。
点击进入 - 2020-11-25 - 收藏国际编码网
国际编码网 The Global Language of Business. Business is easier when you speak the same language as your customers, suppliers and partners. We all do things our own way. But although these differences help define an organisation’s identity, they can cause problems when we work together. That’s where GS1 can help. No matter what success looks like for you, being able to identify, capture and share information is vital to achieving it. Our standards provide a common language throu
点击进入 - 2016-07-27 - 收藏