• Qingyuan Kangxin Hardware & Electrical Products Co

    Qingyuan Kangxin Hardware & Electrical Products Co

    Qingyuan Kangxin Hardware & Electrical Products Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer of medium and high-grade furniture hardware accessories. The main products of Qingyuan factory are ball slide rails, hinges, air braces, etc. In addition to the Qingyuan factory, the company also actively invests in factories in Shunde, Gaoyao and other places to produce powder-coated slide rails, furniture locks, handles, sofa feet, table feet, casters, supports, connectors and other accessories. It can provide customers with one-stop supply services for hardware accessories required for furniture production.

    点击进入 - 2024-04-22 - 收藏
  • 天定情缘婚恋网站


    天定情缘 - www.mytdqy.com天定情缘婚恋网站 绵阳市天缘婚介是于2002年经绵阳市中介局.绵阳市工商局.绵阳市民政局批准设立的正规合法的婚介机构。本婚介为中国注册商标, 有多家连锁店,线上会员实行信息共享原则,本婚介十多年本着诚信.认真负责的态度已有会员数十万人,目前为止已成功促成数万对会员喜结良缘,本婚恋公司实行一低两高的原则:收费低,服务质量高,成功率高.以致使更多的单身朋友们更快捷便捷地找到自己的终身伴侣.本婚恋网站实行实名制,若您是离异请传上您的身份证.离婚证,这些信息本婚恋机构是给您屏蔽保密的,但却有助于您更尽快地找到您的伴侣.

    点击进入 - 2016-01-02 - 收藏