四川种都高科种业有限公司坐落在成都国家级高新技术产业开发区,是一家从事蔬菜新优品种研究、病理检测、分子育种、物联网追溯、绿色健康蔬菜种植、优质种子种苗生产销售的育繁推一体化的高科技农业企业。 公司秉承“自信、责任、创新、领航”的发展战略。汇聚了全国各农业院校的人才,同时聘请了国内各农业院校、科研院所等的10余位行业领军人物组成了公司的专家智囊团。公司一直对蔬菜新优品种选育、试验示范、品种提纯复壮等方面进行持续的研发和创新,在技术成果转化方面已达到较高水平,以高品质、高信誉受到众多合作伙伴的青睐,并荣获国家“高新技术企业”称号,同时获得“农业产业化市级重点龙头企业”、“2019年度中国农业最具影响力品牌”荣誉,注册商标“瑞光”2020年荣获“中国农产品百强标志性品牌”。公司持续申报并已取得农业部植物新品种权证书19个,品种登记证书79个,科技成果转化证书10个,通过国家和省级认定、审定品种数十个,科研人员在国内核心期刊上发表科研论文、技术类文章百余篇。
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点击进入 - 2024-06-19 - 收藏Jinan Baekeland Plastic Products Co.,Ltd
BAEKELAND, one of the leading manufacturer and supplier of various biodegradable tableware, compostable garbage and shopping bags, corn-starch cutlery and other Eco-friendly Items.Devoted ourselves to protecting the earth environment, we have been engaging in producing and supplying all kinds of the eco-friendly products to the customers all over the world. By developing from the common PE bags to the 100% biodegradable & compostable PLA bags , from the plastic tableware to the substitutes made of sugarcane and wheat-straw pulp, from the polythene cutlery to the corn-starch ones and plastic straws to paper straws, Baekeland have grown up with our respectful clients together to do our most efforts for the same goal of “From the nature and back to nature”.
点击进入 - 2024-05-09 - 收藏FuGang Hardware Electric Manufactory Co.,Ltd
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