中国水务网络学院登录入口银龙水务投资有限公司成立于2013年10月,是中国水务集团有限公司的全资子公司,注册资本20亿元人民币,是一家以水务投资为主导,资产营运为核心的外商投资企业。 银龙水务投资有限公司作为中国水务集团有限公司旗下的一家外商投资企业,同时也是其中国境内的地区总部。中国水务集团有限公司是香港联合交易所主板上市的公众公司(股票代码:00855.HK),是港股市场中唯一一家以自来水业务为核心的上市公司。2016年被列为深港通标的股票后,连续两年被评为最具投资价值上市公司。自2003年以来,致力于在国内投资兴建及经营水务项目,包括原水、自来水、直饮水供应,污水处理、排水业务、水环境综合治理、固废处置、市政基础设施和水利工程建设等业务,现已发展成为国内领先的专业化、国际化、市场化跨区域综合水务运营商,服务人口超过3000万人。
点击进入 - 2024-07-26 - 收藏Meltwater融文中国|舆情监测系统
点击进入 - 2024-05-15 - 收藏Guangzhou J&J Sanitary Ware Co., Ltd._Underwater Treadmill,iTreadmill Pools,Pro Swim Spas,iRecovery
Guangzhou J&J Sanitary Ware Co., Ltd._Guangzhou J&J Sanitary Ware Co. Ltd. Keep specializing in hot tubs and swim spas, is one leading manufacturer of spas. We are an ISO9001:2008 certified company by S.G.S.. which means our quality control system, design, manufacturing and service are been strictly according to the ISO9001:2008 highest international standards.
点击进入 - 2024-04-26 - 收藏GUANGZHOU LILYTOYS CO.,LTD
We are found on 2000 have over more than 21 years work experience for inflatables.Our workshop have over 28800 sq.m more than 202 workers . we are only make inflatables ( sewing + welding ), We are most professional . LilyToys is a leader in the design, manufacturing and installation of inflatable water parks.Our manufacturer capable of offering a water park combination for even 100 paying guests per hour,consisting of all different elements. This variety of elements in a water park combination attracts more people,this means, you as an entrepreneur are able to achieve a higher turnover at constant operational costs.
点击进入 - 2024-04-24 - 收藏河北水利电力学院招生信息网
点击进入 - 2021-07-08 - 收藏河南新世进出口有限公司
Henan Neoglobal Import and Export Corp,is high quality service oriented trade company, mainly exporting water soluble products ad embroidery related products. All staff of Henan Neoglobal Import and Export Corp, are from the sister cooperation company named Henan Dongfang Import and Export Corp. Who has more than 20 years foreign trade service experiences. We supply high quality products and also customize innovation service plan for overseas customer all over the world.At the same time, our su
点击进入 - 2018-06-06 - 收藏水事易净水器售后服务管理系统
水事易净水器售后服务管理系统 是一款国内领先的净水器售后服务网络管理软件,首创净水行业云管理服务平台。水事易是一整套面向净水器经销商的全面行业解决方案。帮助净水器经销商进行客户管理,员工管理,进销存管理,是经营净水器生意的必备管理系统。
点击进入 - 2017-11-27 - 收藏