Yancheng Trust Toys Co.,Ltd.
YANCHENG TRUST TOYS CO.,LTD. is a manufacturer of all kinds of plush toys, stuffed animals, holiday gifts , baby products ,home textiles and so on. Located in Yancheng City, Having received ISO9002 certification for our quality assurance system we utilize advanced equipment and strict quality control processes inorder to produce high quality novel stuffed animals and holiday gifts. Moreover, we employ dynamic design and manufacturing personnel that can produce a variety of products based on customer samples and requirements. We have built a strong reputation for reasonable prices, flexible trade arrangements, prompt deliveries and offering a wide range of high quality products.
点击进入 - 2024-04-24 - 收藏盐城市住房公积金管理中心
盐城市住房公积金管理中心ycgjj.yancheng.gov.cn盐城市住房公积金管理中心是直属盐城市人民政府参照公务员法管理的正处级事业单位。下设市直、东台、大丰、盐都、亭湖、射阳、建湖、阜宁、滨海、响水十个管理部和办公室、会计核算处、服务管理处、技术信息处、风险防控与稽核审计处、行政执法处、机关党委、工会等八个处部,是管理全市住房公积金和新职工住房补贴的职能部门。联系我们:12329 传真:0515-88368016
点击进入 - 2020-11-01 - 收藏