
  • 土耳其驻上海总领事馆



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  • 巴基斯坦驻华大使馆网


    巴基斯坦驻华大使馆网站,提供中文、英文两种版本,内容包括使馆简介、使馆公告、使馆事务、巴基斯坦概况、中巴关系、新闻事件、联系方式等。Welcome to The Embassy of Islamic Republic of Pakistan in Beijing, China.

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  • 加拿大驻华使馆


    加拿大驻华使馆 Insert the English description | Insérer la description en anglais... Symbol of the Government of Canada | Symbole du gouvernement du Canada... www.beijing.gc.ca

    点击进入 - 2013-10-24 - 收藏
  • 荷兰王国驻华使馆网站


    荷兰王国驻华使馆royal netherlands embassybeijing The embassy of the Netherlands in Beijing is there for the purpose of representing Dutch interests in China. There are a number of different ways that ... www.nlembassypek.org

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  • 苏丹驻华大使馆


    苏丹驻华大使馆 China ist ein Land mit einer interessanten Geschichte. Alle Informationen zu Politik, Kultur, Wirtschaft und anderen Themen bekommen Sie in diesem Blog. www.sudanembassychina.com

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  • 芬兰驻华大使馆


    芬兰驻华大使馆 Nelj vitamiinien taattu lopettamaan hiustenl ht Kirjoittanut Eerika Juhana. L hetetty Hiustenl ht 1 443 n kym t On v ltt m t nt sis llytt ... www.finland-in-china.com

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  • 韩国驻华大使馆


    韩国驻华大使馆 www.koreaemb.org.cn

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  • 丹麦驻华大使馆


    丹麦驻华大使馆 The Royal Danish Embassy, Beijing and the Royal Danish Consulate General, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Chongqing are pleased to announce the opening of the ... www.denmarkvac.cn

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  • 丹麦驻华大使馆


    丹麦驻华大使馆 昨天是丹麦驻华使馆的员工拓展日。除了领导力培训、性格解析之外,大家还参加了欢笑不断的KTV活动——要09.10.2013 06:56 点击这里了解更多关于此次合作的信息http... www.ambbeijing.um.dk

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  • 新西兰驻华使馆


    新西兰驻华使馆 Official government Immigration New Zealand website.... Work, live, study, or invest in New Zealand Use Visa Options Check to find a visa Australians ... www.immigration.govt.nz

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  • 玻利维亚驻华大使馆


    玻利维亚驻华大使馆 玻利维亚驻华大使馆 Embassy of Bolivia 办公地址Office Adress:北京朝阳区亮马河南路14号塔园外交人员办公楼2-3-2号Liang Ma he(South)No.14 2-3-2 Tayuan ... www.embolchina.com

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  • 爱尔兰驻华大使馆


    爱尔兰驻华大使馆 Welcome to the website of the Embassy of Ireland at Beijing. This Embassy provides a range of services in China and Mongolia, details of which are ... www.embassyofireland.cn

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  • 新西兰驻华使馆


    新西兰驻华使馆 NZEmbassy.com is the official address for New Zealand Embassies, High Commissions and representative offices.I\'m looking for New Zealand representation in: ... www.nzembassy.com

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  • 比利时驻华大使馆


    比利时驻华大使馆 Official site of the Embassy of Belgium in Beijing, China... Welcome to the Embassy of Belgium in China! The services of this Embassy cover large parts ... www.diplomatie.be/beijing

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  • 丹麦王国驻华大使馆


    丹麦王国驻华大使馆 The Danish Embassy is essentially a little bit of Denmark, anywhere else in the world. www.dk-embassy-cn.org

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